It finally happened! As you may have read in my "About Me", I mentioned that I had hoped this year would be the year to meet some of my blogging friends in person. In all honesty, when I wrote that I had thought maybe this would occur at a regional blogger meet up of some sort. However, it turned out that my first meeting of online friends IRL (in real life) occurred at an event that was completely natural to me: an organized run!
A few weeks ago I had received an invitation on Facebook to an event put on my Road Runner Sports, a super awesome running store. "Run Like a Girl" sounded right up my alley: shopping, discounts, giveaways, wine, cheese, fruit and OH YEAH, running! This event, just for women, had a few different groups, with pacers for each of them. It began at their retail store, where there was a chiropractor offering adjustments, shoe fittings, and sports bra fittings. I had expressed interest in it right as soon as I received the invitation but forgot about it.
Then, a couple of my Twitter friends @theaumsmama and @themommytsunami were discussing it the day prior. I wrangled a sitter and it was ON. I wasn't disappointed. @theaumsmama was just as I expected, totally sweet and laid-back. We both went to the same college in a slow Northern California beach town, where she still lives. I knew I would like her! @themommytsunami is focused and intense. She kicked our butts on the 5 mile run we did! With 4 kids each, these women are truly an inspiration to me and my quest for fitness! They were such cool girls, and I know that this meet up will not be our last. I am looking forward to seeing them again soon!
Have you ever met any of your online friends in real life before? Were they what you expected?
Have a fit and fabulous Friday!!