What is an ideal weekend to you? Some like to travel, go out to dinner, meet up with friends, go shopping, see a movie. Some like to do nothing. I think if it were up to my husband an ideal weekend would be one of no commitments. For me, I like a mix. I like to have non-commital weekends for the most part as well, but it is nice to have special events to look forward to also. I love getting up at my leisure (or when my kids wake me up, which is what usually happens), enjoying breakfast with my family, working out both days, and going to the Farmer's Market on Saturday. I like to spend some time reading my book of the moment, and perusing my magazines for organizational ideas and recipes. Usually at least once a month there is a playdate in there somewhere, a date night with the hubby, birthday parties for my kid's friends, going out with other couples/friends, and all of that keeps us pretty busy. My family usually gets together for dinner on Sundays...my parents, Grandpa, Aunt and Uncle and us...and that is how we end our weekend.
I try not to keep all my errands for the weekend. During the week at work I will often run out things here and there, even to get grocery items I need or diapers at Costco. Being a full time working mom is hard, and I cherish my weekends and want to spend them relaxing and doing things I enjoy. During the week, although I have the help of my Mom and MIL to watch my kids in my home, they both have a long drive home from my house, and I have a heinous commute, so that leaves me no time to do anything after work unless I ask them to stay as a special favor beforehand. Fortunately, I have a Target and a Walmart a stone's throw from my house, so its easy to build in stops there on our way to or from somewhere. As I have posted before, when I am pressed for time I fit in my "exercise" by running there with my son. A Mom's gotta do what a Mom's gotta do.
I do enjoy getting outta dodge regularly. It is in my blood. If I don't go out of town I start to feel antsy, and even depressed. Sometimes its not an actual over night trip but a day trip that does the trick. This weekend we had a fun-filled day at the Capitola At & Wine Festival. It was pretty crowded, but it was at the beach. So my family and I could not have had a better time, we took turns going to get the tastes of wine, while the other played on the beach with our sons. We are pretty sure we were not supposed to have our wine glasses on the beach, but no one stopped us and we saw some other folks doing it too. So that made it ok. ha ha
I exercised both days, fit the Farmer's Market in, and had no errands to run. My husband promised my 4 year old a toy they saw a week ago, and since they were going to get it I had him pick up what I needed. How lucky am I?! I am grateful to have had such a great weekend since my 22 mo. old was supposed to have surgery on Friday and we originally planned to be housebound all weekend but it got postponed. That just left me with nothing to do but take advantage and relish in all the good things my life has to offer.
Did you have a good weekend? How do you usually spend your days off? Are your kids in sports? My 4 yr old is starting T-ball next weekend and I am so excited for him!
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