Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Wheels On the Bike Go Round and Round

We had a nice family bike ride today on the trail by our house. The entrance to the trail is just around the block, and we definitely make the most of it. I run with a friend there at least once a week. Chip and I love taking the kids out there, we get a little exercise and Monkey gets to burn off *some* of his 5yo energy! He rode 15 miles this weekend, which is pretty good for a little guy I think!

He** on Wheels!
I think its important to teach our kids to have a healthy lifestyle. I can't wait until Buddha can pedal. For now, he just gets to kick back and watch. He's got a pretty good thing going.

Chillin' like a villain
It seems like yesterday when Monkey wasn't able to pedal yet, and I would either push him on his trike when I went for a walk, or push him in the jogging stroller so I could get a run in. Before long, he was riding his bike with training wheels (albeit slowly) and I could get a semi-decent jog in next to him. Even though I wasn't getting the best work out, I wanted to encourage him and wanted to show him that fitness could be fun. He has already asked to go running with me, and I anticipate we will be doing that in the next few weeks.

In the old days, when they could both fit
I'm so proud of my boys, and happy that my oldest is active and likes to channel his energy in positive ways. After we went on a bike ride Friday, he asked to go again both Saturday and Sunday. He didn't look at it as too hard, or boring or something he didn't want to do. I love that!

Monkey's come a long way from this!
I am excited for our first run! I want to get him some decent shoes to run in first. I expect it will be totally fun, as that is just what I've come to know about this kid! He's a blast!


  1. We live right near a trail too - such a bonus, especially on warm summer days like these!

  2. Here from Jill's blog hop! looking forward to reading more!!

  3. You're making me miss California- what fun! You can't start teaching a child about fitness and health too early....your boys are going to love their fun fit time with Mommy and Daddy!


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